
# 1.4.28
– New resize profile columns.
– Improve profile table.
– Improve clear cache function.
– Update browser extension.
– Fix filter not save.

# 1.4.21
– Fix logout loading issue.
– Improve folder selector.
– Now use only login one account per PC.

# 1.4.17
– Fix some issues can not sync cookies

# 1.4.16
– New: Custom browser path.
– Improve filter states.
– Improve performance and fix bugs.

# 1.4.15
– New: Now you can share folder.
– New: announcements.
– New: shortcut to facebook chat.
– Improve share action.
– Improve profile listing table.
– Display selected folder.
– Improve folder manager table.

# 1.4.14

– Add quick jumper for profile paging.
– Keep current profile filter when update profiles group.
– Improve proxy check.
– Update teams UI.
– Improve bulk update profile folder.
– Improve profile tabs.
– Improve downloading bar.
– Fix an issue not show profile menu item.

# 1.4.13

– Fix Fingerprint issue on window.

# 1.4.12

– Improve profile table.
– Improve clear proxy and fixed table header.
– Update must use extension

# 1.4.11

– Improve proxy handle.

# 1.4.10

– Chromium version 125.
– New sync verion.

* Sync app.
* Bookmarks.
* Extensions (not include extension settings).
* History.
* Settings.
* Theme.
* Open tabs.
* Passwords.
* Address and more.

– Clear share profile.
– Improve sort profles.
– Custom profiles path.
– Clear share profile.
– Improve sort profles.
– Custom profiles path.
– Suport proxy label for quicks add profiles.
– Add quick paste proxy button on profile row.
– Group timezone by area.
– Add quick add profile button in profile listing table.
– Add quick edit profile name.
– Improve forms ux buttons.
– Support proxy v6.
– Support proxy label.
– Fix issue date time display incorrect.

# 1.4.7

– Add exp date to my profile page.
– Add auto user agent – profile can update user agent automatically like updat browser.
– Add custom profile path settings.
– Improve team member listing.

# 1.4.6

– Add quick create profile.
– Add bulk create profiles from proxies list.
– Add transfer profile.
– Fix sometime error when write files.

# 1.4.5

– Improve auto profiles.
– Improve add member area interface.
– Add copy proxy button.
– Improve error messages.
– Add auto icon into profile title.
– Fix download browser error.

# 1.4.4

– Release.

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